
Yilin Zhao

Xidian University

About me

I received my M.S. degree in computer science and technology from School of Cyber Engineering, Xidian University. During my M.S., my research interests lied primarily in the area of Vehicle Security and Deep Learning. Now, I am working in State Grid Xinyuan Co., Ltd., and my interests shifted to Smart Grid; topics which I will work in the future.

Email: ylzhao_xd@163.com


2022/11/15 I won IEEE Globecom 2022 Best Paper Award

2022/9/1 I joined State Grid Xinyuan Co., Ltd.

2021/10/23 I won a China National Scholarship.

Professional Projects

GVIDS 2021/6 - 2022/3

· Designed an intelligent vehicular intrusion detection system based on GAN, which can not only detect all the current automobile injection attacks and Dos attacks, but also detect our newly proposed ×× attack.

ClockIDS 2021/2 - 2021/9

· Designed an intrusion detection system suitable for automobile CAN bus, and the detection rate was up to 98.39%; it can also identify the device controlled by the attacker, with an average recognition rate of 96.41%.

VehicleEIDS 2020/9 - 2021/6 (Chinese Patent)

· Designed the vehicle-mounted external intrusion detection system, which is not limited by the means of packet injection by attackers, with an accuracy of up to 97%.

Selected Publications

● GVIDS: A Reliable Vehicle Intrusion Detection System Based on Generative Adversarial Network
Yilin Zhao, Yijie Xun, Jiajia Liu, Siyu Ma, IEEE GlobeCom 2022

● ClockIDS: A Real-time Vehicle Intrusion Detection System Based on Clock Skew
Yilin Zhao, Yijie Xun, Jiajia Liu, IEEE Internet of things Joural, 2022.

● Side Channel Analysis: A Lightweight Intrusion Detection System Based on Vehicle Voltage Signals
Yijie Xun, Zhouyan Deng, Jiajia Liu, Yilin Zhao, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2023.

● A Lightweight Sender Identification Scheme Based on Vehicle Physical Layer Characteristics
Yijie Xun, Zhouyan Deng, Jiajia Liu, Yilin Zhao, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2022.

● A Novel Intrusion Detection System for Next Generation In-Vehicle Networks (IEEE Globecom 2022 Best Paper Award)
Zhouyan Deng, Yijie Xun, Jiajia Liu, Shouqing Li, Yilin Zhao, IEEE GlobeCom 2022

● VehicleCIDS : An Efficient Vehicle Intrusion Detection System Based on Clock Behavior
Yilin Zhao, Yijie Xun, Jiajia Liu, IEEE Global Communications Conference 2021.

● VehicleEIDS: A Novel External Intrusion Detection System Based on Vehicle Voltage Signals
Yijie Xun, Yilin Zhao, Jiajia Liu, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.

Honors and Awards

● China National Scholarship

● IEEE Globecom 2022 Best Paper Award